SEO優化之網站內部實質意義  SEO要領Top5

  大化地優化文章內部實質意義(CONTENT SEO),海外SEOER覺得:高度更新且原創文章、關鍵字疏密程度合理與關鍵字挑選、詞和詞組聯想與長尾詞應用、整個的局面:胸懷~SEO理念、跟蹤SEO進程項動身。



  Top Five Tips to Optimize your Web Content for SEO

  Making sure your web content is optimized for SEO should be one of the most important factors when you are either planning a new website or maintaining an existing one. Without effective SEO (search engine optimization) you may as well not even be online, with the traffic that you’ll miss out on. Therefore, these top five tips to optimize your web content for SEO will offer some guidance in this area.

  1. Keep it Fresh

  One of the biggest mistakes many webmasters and website owner make is when it comes to updating their sites. Google and the other search engines love fresh and unique content – it helps to separate your site from the countless others in your niche. Keep adding new content – a blog is an excellent way of doing this, and make sure your content is keyword-rich for maximum optimization.



  2. The Magic 2百分之百 Keyword Ratio

  Since keywords are the terms that people type into search engines to find your services, it’s important you get them right. Yet just as important is the percentage of keywords used – whereas before it used to be that you could write whole paragraphs for keywords alone, now the search engines will ignore your pages if they have too many keywords.

  For the best effect, pick 1-2 strong keyword phrases and aim for approximately 2百分之百 ratio for keyword to article length. Therefore, an article that is 500 words long should have 10 keyword phrases in it. This will enable the search engines to pick up on your content more easily.




  3. Start Strong, Finish Strong

  The secret to strong optimization of your website is to start out strong and finish strong. This doesn’t mean that you can put up anything you want – obviously the whole of your content needs to be strong all the way through to hold your reader’s attention. However, for effective SEO purposes, you need to think of your web page as a reverse Christmas tree.

  Use your keyword phrase in the first 90 characters, then at least once more in the opening paragraph. The same goes for closing your content or article – have the keyword phrase twice in the closing paragraph as well as in the last 90 characters. Sprinkle the keyword or phrase throughout the remaining content, and this will strengthen its SEO effectiveness.




  4. Use Wordtracker

  If you don’t want to use a dedicated SEO content writer or consultant, you might find that you struggle to use the most effective keywords for your site. While you may understand the concept behind keywords and why you need them, actually implementing which ones are the most effective may be difficult. One of the best ways you can help yourself is by using the Wordtracker tool. This suggests variations on your keywords as well as advise on which keywords are the most searched.



  5. Strategic Links on Keywords

  One of the ways that you can enhance your website’s SEO is to embed internal links to another part of the site. Use these links on relevant keywords or phrases and the optimization will be even more effective. For instance, instead of just waiting for a visitor to clink to your Prices page, write a phrase like affordable seo content providers and link to the page with that phrase instead.

  This maximizes the strength of that phrase on your site, and ensures that not only will web browsers find you more easily, your content is strongly optimized for SEO purposes. While you should also optimize your site in other ways, such as using images and meta tags, using the above tips will ensure that at the very least your web content is optimized and SEO-friendly. About the author

  SEO Content Providers has but one goal – to provide affordable, high quality SEO content for websites and blogs. Whether you’re an individual, professional or business you can be sure that your SEO content projects are handled professionally and punctually. Choose us for your next project and see for yourself the SEO Content Providers difference.




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