對於我的SEO企業 我需求做Google Adwords嗎

  Should I use Adwords with my SEO campaign?

  對於我的SEO企業,我需求做Google Adwords嗎?

  SEO Question: I am already ranking well for my targeted keyword phrase in Google, so should I also start using Google Adwords so I have the the top Adword ranking and the top organic ranking?

  SEO 問題:我在Google的網站關鍵詞名次已經美好了,我還需求做上Google Adwords嗎?這麼我就可以領有兩個頭頁名次了?

  SEO Answer: This is a question we get a lot and the answer is always the same. If the ROI is worth it, then do it. If you are making more money by using Adwords with an SEO campaign then it makes sense. Running Adwords will not affect you SEO work postiviely or negatively so do not let that be a factor in whether you do it or not.


  SEO 應答:這是個大家問得眾多的問題,假如投資回報是值當的話,那就去做,假如你作為一個SEO企業經過Google Aadwords取得了更多的收益,那就因該做,做Adwords將不會給你的SEO辦公導致正面或負面影響,所以不要在你做之前把它當作一個影響因素。

  In fact, using Adwords while your SEO campaign builds is even a better idea. Also using it to test some keywords is a great use for Adwords. After all, you don’t want to rank for keywords that won’t convert into sales or clients. Adwords can test this for you rather inexpensively. Remember to watch your Adwords CTR and set up a conversion testing method.


  One concern I can offer is to watch your sales and make sure you aren’t stealing from yourself. Obviously both methods, Adwords and SEO, will bring traffic an sales but if too many sales are coming from Adwords that would naturally be coming from SEO you may be shrinking your profit margin. Test this by dropping your ad for a time and watching your sales. Do they remain consistent? Ditch the ad. Do they drop? Put the ad back up.


  In the end the decision to continue your Adword’s campaign should be based on actual traffic data.最終挑選是不承認為合適而使用Adwords要依據實際的流量數值。


  To the left is a screen shot from our client’s children’s toy store, showing an example of an organic and Adwords/PPC rankings, click for a larger image.


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