關於Google Sitemap的幾點意識


當你諮詢一點SEOER時,它們也會教你一點處理辦法,那裡面關於Google的收錄就有一條Google Sitemap漢字名為google網站地圖。

Google Sitemaps是google在2005年6 月份兒推出的一項服務,關於Google Sitemap(s),google是這麼描寫的:

The Sitemap Protocol allows you to inform search engine crawlers about URLs on your Web sites that are available for crawling. A Sitemap consists of a list of URLs and may also contain additional information about those URLs, such as when they were last modified, how frequently they change, etc.

在一則海外的博客讀到關於『為何要運用Google Sitemap』的文章,題目為『Why use a Google Sitemap』,裡邊是這麼論述的:

Why use a Google Sitemap

Does Google misjudge the importance of pages on your website?
Perhaps you have a product page in your catalogue that is linked to from lots of sites on the web and has a high pagerank – this page may often appear above your home page in the search engine results page even for searches that are for your company generally, not that specific page. The sitemap protocol enables you to indicate the relative importance of the pages on your site.

Do you have dynamic content that is not indexed by search engines?
There are many ways of tackling this problem, the sitemap protocol is a new tool to help ensure that your site is indexed in depth. As the sitemap protocol is new (and still in beta) it should not be relied upon to ensure deep indexing.

Do search engines crawl your site too much?
The sitemap protocol enables webmasters to suggest to search engine robots how often particular pages should be indexed. This could potentially reduce the bandwidth used by search engine robots on dynamic sites.

對於Google Sitemap,楓林是這麼意識的,如今有眾多的在線生成網址,當然還有一點Google sitemap在線生成軟件什麼的的物品,不過這類工具都有個獨特的地方,都是絕對的機器還是智能化操作,這麼固然便捷也很節省時間,不過帶來更多的不好因素。

在線生成工具往往過於籠統的參加某些網址,甚至於有點參加的網址是該站早一不存在的,這麼造成的後果是啥子呢?Robot沒有辦法抓取,這也就是眾多朋友檢查Google Sitemap帳戶中的Robot爬動日記看見有眾多網址沒有辦法抓取的端由。

楓林覺得假如一個站顯露出來數量多的Robot沒有辦法抓取的頁面,這個不惟不可以增長收錄量反倒會影響正常的收錄,Google Sitemap原本是為Robot供給便捷的通道,要得該站的收錄數目更為令人滿意,不過在線生成以致數量多頁面沒有辦法抓取,這也沒有疑問是對Robot的一種哄弄,很可能影響到網站往後的收錄,這也就是眾多朋友制造了xml的sitemap,收錄量反倒減低的端由之一。

關於Google Sitemap,楓林是這麼看的:






Google Sitemap的制造辦法主要涵蓋:手動制造,軟件生成,在線生成

Google sitemaps 生成軟件:Google sitemaps Builder .Net V1.5



Windows XP, 2000, 2003

.NET Framework

沒有安裝.Net的,請先點這處:微軟網站下載.Net Framework 1.1 背景組件

不收費下載Google sitemaps Builder .Net V1.5
Google Sitemap在線生成的地址


Google Sitemap提交處理地址
