SWJ小談Google sitelinks是啥子?

1、啥子是Google sitelinks呢?




2、Google官方對Google sitelinks的詮釋

The links shown below some sites in our search results, called Sitelinks,are meant to help users navigate your site .Our systems analyze the link struture of your site to find shortcurs that will save users time and allow them to quickly find the information they’re looking for.
We only show Sitelinks for results when we think they’ll be useful to the user. If the structure of your site doesn’t allow our algorithms to find good Sitelinks , or we don’t think that the Sitelinks for your site are relevant for the user’s query ,we won’t show them.
At the moment , Sitelinks are completely automated . We’re always working to improve our itelinks algorithm, and we may incorporate webmaster input in the future.

3、取得Google sitelinks的條件

依照Google的講法,Sitelinks的主的重要的條目的在於幫忙用戶更敏捷簡單的形式找到它們所需求的信息。不過Google只是對局部網站關鍵詞排在第一位的網站纔供給Sitelinks, 普通這類網站關鍵詞大多數為網站名字、標志或是品牌。

參照資料:《搜索引擎網站優化魔法書 SEO Magic Book 》不收費下載!