
一周前,在網上宣布了最新版本的比較流行的SEO軟件工具IBP(IBusiness Promoter),這次新版是Internet Business Promoter(IBP) 10.0.3功能比較應有盡有,該軟件最大的獨特的地方就是此10.0版本的新許諾保障:讓你的網站穩居GOOGLE,YAHOO搜索引擎網站前十位。

首先是:在google名次前十的保障,為何能這麼許諾呢,來看看它們新功能及服務:Better, bigger, easier, more powerful,像到現在為止流行於國內的美好很堅強雄厚,至於軟件到盡頭有啥子超出眾人之處呢?

海外有站網站述評對此軟件的定位與服務許諾這麼說:The most important feature of IBP 10 is our new guarantee: top 10 rankings or money back! We are absolutely sure that IBP 10 is a website promotion tool that delivers。


  • 用戶界面更友善General user interface: IBP is now much easier to use. Fewer clicks are required to perform a task. The whole user interface has been designed to be as user-friendly as possible
  • 網站關鍵詞更方便的管理操作,可以更迅速的在同行業,有關網站尋覓最佳關鍵,並給出引導意見的名聲報告陳述。Keyword Manager: IBP 10 makes it easier than ever to find the best keywords for organic search engine optimization and pay per click. The new Keyword Manager integrates many powerful tools into one easy to use interface. Outperform your competitors by using the best keywords.
  • 網站名次前十位的優化功能,操作是用戶輸入目的網站關鍵詞,譬如:SEO,這會兒軟件會半自動羅布出到現在為止名次前十位的網站,並將網站下載到本地剖析,給出一個相當周密的剖析報告陳述,可以在線與離線檢查這些個報告陳述文檔,文檔類型有多種像.html,.pdf,txt等,恣意挑選,趁早剖析名次在前的網站,對於商業上的事務站很有意義,同行業的競爭目的詞,可是利用這個軟件將競爭網站的最佳網站關鍵詞剖析出來,這麼你可以利用它們的剖析報告陳述廳的引導意見,制造一點更利用網站名次的網站關鍵詞在競爭中取得勝利。Top 10 Optimizer: The new Top 10 Optimizer now analyzes both on-site and off-site factors. It features the all-new Top 10 Requirements Score that makes it as easy as possible to optimize your website for top 10 rankings on Google.
  • 鏈接收並管理理工具,可以迅速尋覓高品質的共用連署,並經過智能填表工具填寫表單,可以剖析鏈接回贈(一概剖析鏈接是否管用), ARELIS 是幫忙你樹立合乎搜索引擎網站規則的堅強雄厚的外部鏈接收並管理理工具。ARELIS Link Manager: Quickly find high quality links, submit your website to sites with link suggestion forms, track your success and much more. ARELIS is a powerful tool that helps you to build powerful links while following all search engine rules.
  • 網站提交處理管理工具,這處軟件的一個子功能,可以成功實現多搜索引擎網站,目次類,關心注視度高的網站等網站的提交處理。Submission Manager: Automatically submit your website to search engines, submit your website to Internet directories, special interest sites and much more. The new Submission Manager in IBP 10 makes it as easy as possible to announce your website on the Internet.
  • 名次管理,可以很便捷的以不一樣的網站關鍵詞檢查各大搜索的名次事情狀況及收錄最後結果,並可以導出剖析報告陳述。Ranking Manager: The much improved ranking manager in IBP 10 shows you how your website is ranked on different search engines for different keywords. IBP 10 also tracks your progress and it shows the results in easy to understand diagrams and charts.
  • 剖析報告陳述,這功能有可能是這個軟件的獨特的風格之處,很周密的報告陳述,況且都能夠導出,給出參照意見,供用戶參照,用戶當然也可以按剖析報告陳述自個兒做相應處置。Report and charts: IBP 10 makes it as easy as possible to create custom reports in your company design with no reference to IBP. Offer your clients professional reports with high quality charts.
  • 幫忙文檔,更明確明白的幫忙文檔做用戶運用過程中檢查。Checklist: IBP 10 now offers an easy to use checklist in the main window. The checklist makes sure that you do the right things in the right order and that you’ll get top 10 rankings as quickly as possible.

這處只是羅布的一點網站裡的解釋明白,實際上功能還需求用戶自個兒去發覺.最新版本的可以進入了 Internet Business Promoter(IBP) 10.0.3下載,但這軟件是商業上的事務版軟件,是需求付費服務的,網站有供給不收費注冊碼的,我找到一個8.0格式本的,可以運用注冊碼注冊運用,半自動可以昇班到10的最新版本。假如有興致想理解一下子的話,可以到我的蘇州SEO網站供給IBP 8.1 經濟活動注冊版(Internet Business Promoter 8.1)不收費下載。注冊碼在下載頁面供給了,不成解的地方可以Q我:253440253.

當然了,國外在SEO工具方面將功能綜合起來的比較好軟件,有可能就數SEO Helper 網站研發的SEO 工具軟件。到現在為止有不收費版客戶端可以供網友下載,網站是http://seohelper.cn ,其主要為用戶供給SEO有關的信息查問服務,因此運用戶能夠更便捷地理解各種信息,如網站在百度、谷歌、雅虎、搜狗等搜索引擎網站的頁面收錄數目和逆向鏈接數目,網站的PageRank值、Alexa名次,Google事情有關性查問,網頁檢驗測定等功能。運用過後效果還不賴,有興致的朋友可以到http://seohelper.cn下載試試。