Alexa算法更新完結 新名次政策推出




  We’ve been working hard behind the scenes for several months and are excited to announce that our new Alexa Rankings system is available.我們一直在盡力盡量辦公的幕裡數個月,很欣慰向大家宣告我們的新Alexa的名次系統可供給。


  Alexa的時刻,就著手展出名次, 1998年,它是與目的,顯露Alexa的工具條用戶怎麼樣受熱烈歡迎不論什麼特別指定網站內Alexa的社會形態。 We generated the rankings through an analysis of Internet usage by people who use the Alexa Toolbar.我們所萌生的名次通不為己甚析互聯網的運用人運用Alexa的工具欄。 Since that time we’ve been delighted to see that the Alexa Rankings have become a yardstick by which website popularity is measured.自那時以來,我們已經欣慰地看見,在Alexa的名次已經變成一個准繩,使網站人氣,是權衡。 We are grateful to the thousands of people who come to each day to check the Alexa Rankings.我們對此表達拜謝,向成千累萬的人來alexa.com每日查緝Alexa的名次。

  In recent months we’ve heard from our Alexa users that understanding Internet usage beyond Alexa Toolbar users was increasingly of interest.近幾個月來,我們聽說過,從我們的Alexa的用戶,理解互聯網的運用越過了Alexa的工具條用戶是越來越大的興致。 Ask and you shall receive!敬辭你應領取!

  We listened to your suggestions, and we believe that our new rankings system is much closer to what you asked for.我們聆聽您的提議,並且我們覺得我們的新的名次制度是更近你的要求。 We now aggregate data from multiple sources to give you a better indication of website popularity among the entire population of Internet users.我們如今總的數值從多種出處,以讓您能更明白顯露的網站,深受全國人口的因特網用戶。

  You gave us many other suggestions as well, and we are working hard to implement them.你給了我們眾多其它的提議美好,我們正盡力盡量加以實行。 We won’t tell any secrets just yet, but you can expect to see new features rolled out over the coming weeks and months.我們不會奉告不論什麼隱蔽的事剛剛固然尚未成功實現,不過你可以看見新的獨特的地方推出了在從今以後幾周和幾個月。

  Below are a few common questions we anticipate from the Alexa community, along with our answers.下邊是幾個常見問題,我們預計從Alexa的社會形態,是隨著我國的解答。

  My site’s ranking has changed.我的網站的名次發生了變動。 Was it wrong before?是不是錯了嗎?

  Your ranking wasn’t wrong before, but it was different.你的名次沒有錯,但它是不一樣的。 Alexa toolbar users’ interests and surfing habits could differ from those of the general population in a number of ways, and we described some of those possible differences on our website. Alexa的工具條用戶的好處和上網習性,可不一樣於那一些平常的老百姓在多少方面,我們所描寫的一點人有可能存在差別,我們的網站上。 While the vast majority of sites’ rankings were unaffected by such differences, we’ve worked hard on our new ranking system to adjust for situations in which they could matter.而絕大部分數網站的名次沒有遭受這麼的分歧,但我們已經盡力盡量辦公,對我們的新的名次制度,以適合事情狀況,使它們能夠此事。

  The new rankings should better reflect the interests and surfing habits of the broader population of Web users.新的名次應當更好地反映好處和上網習性的更廣泛的人口的網民。

  Why are the long range graphs gone?為何是遠程圖去了? I can only get 9 months of historical data.我只能獲得9個月的歷史數值。

  We are recalculating historic traffic data and will continue to add it over the coming weeks.我們正在從新歷史性的交通數值,並會接著增加它在從今以後幾個星期。 We apologize for the inconvenience, but should have several years of data back on line shortly.我們對此表達抱歉的意思的不方便,但應當有幾年的數值發回線不長。

  Will you change the rankings again?你會變更名次再次?

  We are constantly working to ensure that we provide the most useful data that we can.我們正不停地辦公,以保證我們所供給的最有用的數值,我們可以。 We will continue to fine tune our algorithms but don’t foresee any additional big changes.我們將接著微調算法,但沒有預見到不論什麼另外非常大變動。 If you think something is amiss please let us know.假如你感到有啥子不妥,請讓我們曉得。

  I liked the old rankings better.我喜歡舊的名次更好。 Are they still available somewhere?它們還是可用嗎?

  We liked the old rankings as well.我們喜歡舊的名次同樣。 However, we developed the new system in response to the huge number of requests we got from users like you, and now that it’s done we like it even better.不過,我們制定了新的制度,為了對付數目極大的煩請,我們將取得的用戶喜歡你,如今,它這麼做我們喜歡它,甚至於更好。 We hope you will too.我們期望你們能過。

  We think that having more than one ranking system at a time would be confusing, so we have removed the old rankings.我們覺得有一個以上的等級制,在時間將有所淆惑,因為這個,我們務必掃除淨盡舊的名次。

  Do you want to know what I think about this?你想曉得啥子,我覺得此事?

  Definitely.肯定。 We’ve been collecting suggestions and ideas for months now, and would love to hear more.我們一直在使聚在一起提議和新思考的線索,幾個月來,並會喜歡聽。 If you have thoughts on what we’ve done so far, or ideas on what we should do next, please share them with us.假如你有深刻思考啥子,我們到現在所做的,或想法就要做啥子,請一塊兒分享我們。