



在 各大搜索引擎網站檢索Google PR(pagerank)時發覺,在2010年根曾有烏龍報導指出PR將休止更新,那裡面站長之家在2011年元月五號刊文《Google休止更新PR 認為合適而使用引得系統Caffeine》,網易科學技術2010年十月十四號刊文《谷歌職員證明PR值不再更新 換鏈產業壽終正寢》。大致相似文章均援用了谷歌工程師Susan Moskwa的一篇發文(如下所述圖):




I was doing my daily perusing of our client sites in Webmaster Tools, and I noticed something interesting… The PageRank distribution feature, once found on the crawl stats section under Diagnostics, is no longer displayed.

Is this a permanent change?

Perhaps public PR is finally going to be dumped?

What say you?

有人發如今Webmasters Tools中的pagerank參變量不見了,問詢是否將消除pagerank?


We’ve been telling people for a long time that they shouldn’t focus on PageRank so much; many site owners seem to think it’s the most important metric for them to track, which is simply not true. We removed it because we felt it was silly to tell people not to think about it, but then to show them the data, implying that they should look at it.

My impression is that PageRank in Toolbar is aimed more at the casual browser of sites who wants to get a general feel for the authority of a page. For this reason many people still believe we should leave it in Toolbar. Toolbar isn’t primarily aimed at site owners who are looking for precise reliable metrics that they can judge their site by or make decisions by. That’s one reason it made sense to remove it from Webmaster Tools, which is designed specifically for site owners in a way that Toolbar is not. Personally I would love to see us remove PR from the Toolbar, but mine is not the only opinion in Google and the folks I have most contact with–site owners–aren’t the only users or stakeholders of Toolbar.



同 時Susan給出了自個兒對pagerank的看法,她私人也覺得不要在Toolbar顯露pagerank。從原文可以看出,當初她並未提及Google 要休止pagerank有關的服務,只是說將Webmasters tools中的顯露移除。固2010年國內訌動一時的PR將休止更新只是一點眾望文生義而已。


Fraiy 針對Google PR pagerank 等詞在Google news、Ei village、中國關緊白報紙全文數值庫、哈釋典濟活動述評等檢索平臺搜索近半年來Google pagerank的有關信息,未發覺官方平臺出處的不論什麼相關於Google將休止pagerank將休止更新的報導。就是說,至少到到現在為止為 止,Google是沒有官方揭曉要休止PR值的更新的。

然而,正於Susan所說,pagerank只是一個指標罷了,Google本身在提示站長不要過份關心注視pagerank意味著Google在淡化還是已經淡化pagerank技術。那末,作為站長,我們也應當適合,在思惟上著手漸漸淡化PR值對網站優化運營方面的影響。原文來自: ,熱烈歡迎過訪